Overview of methods of preventing medication errors in children


  • Hoang Vinh Vo
  • Minh Tri Nguyen
  • Quoc Dat Tran
  • Minh Phat




medication errors; prevent medication errors


Medication error is the inappropriate use of medication or harm to the patient that is
preventable. These incidents may involve professional practices, health care products, and
processes and systems. Safe medication management is the foundation for proper patient care.
In this article, we focus on discussing the content "Methods to prevent errors in medication use
in children" to understand errors in medication use in children and suggest measures to prevent
errors in medication use among children.



How to Cite

Vo, H. V., Nguyen, M. T., Tran, Q. Đạt, & Minh Phát. (2023). Overview of methods of preventing medication errors in children. Tạp Chí Khoa học Và kỹ thuật trường Đại học Bình Dương, 6(3). https://doi.org/10.56097/binhduonguniversityjournalofscienceandtechnology.v6i3.184