Applying the Smart Retail Target Management System to promote digital transformation at Vietnamese commercial banks


  • Minh Xuan Phan
  • Truong Trong Duy Le



Chuyển đổi số; hệ thống quản lý chỉ tiêu bán lẻ; ngân hàng thương mại


The rapid development of modern products and services has brought many
conveniences to customers and is the foundation for the development of the digital
economy and digital society. And in order to realize this, banks have quickly improved
their operations and technology to truly become advanced and developed banks in the new
era. The study uses secondary data from commercial banks, domestic and foreign studies
on digital transformation activities. The article focuses on clarifying that when commercial
banks change their operating model from traditional banking to digital banking, it is
necessary to apply new technologies, one of those improved technologies is "Application
of Management System". Smart retail target management”. The effectiveness of this
application shows that commercial banks invest in promoting digital transformation,
specifically the application of new technologies that will support traditional banking
operations and promote new products to thrive in the future. coming time to contribute to
the success of the digital transformation of commercial banks in particular and the economy
in general. Besides presenting the benefits of the Smart Retail Target Management System,
the article also proposes some solutions to continue promoting digital transformation at
Vietnamese commercial banks.




How to Cite

Phan, M. X., & Le, T. T. D. (2024). Applying the Smart Retail Target Management System to promote digital transformation at Vietnamese commercial banks. Tạp Chí Khoa học Và kỹ thuật trường Đại học Bình Dương, 7(1).